Lensrentals News and Alerts

We Love Lenses

Published February 6, 2014

It’s nearly Valentine’s Day. This year, we thought we should express our love….for lenses.

Author: Lensrentals

Articles written by the entire editorial and technical staff at LensRentals.com. These articles are for when there is more than one author for the entire post, and are written as a community effort.

Posted in Lensrentals News and Alerts
  • Max

    Why is anyone getting excited about the ‘Shoots like an Otus’ Sigma. We already got the shoots like an Otus AF lens – it’s called the Zeiss FE55mm.

  • Paul B

    OK–I have to comment again–only 9 (now maybe 10)comments for an absolutely super video?? These folks are the best–
    PLEASE do an Ides of March, spring solstice, July 4th–etc etc production video–really great! Thanks, gang!

  • BenC

    I like Andrew’s line!

  • Paul B

    Wonderfully bizarre! Thanks for the Valentine’s message…

  • nice!

  • K. Langoso


  • Soulnibbler

    Wow, that was awesome and creepy and awesome and creepy and more awesome.

  • hilarious! I I was living in the US I would be a regular customer!

  • Kenny


  • Andrew Burday

    I don’t know… Great idea, not sure about the execution.

    One concrete suggestion: why is the woman at the end saying that she isn’t good enough for the lens? The whole idea is that you’re getting rid of the lens because it isn’t good enough for lensrentals. It would have been funnier to have her calmly say something like, “You know, you’re really nice looking — but you’re soft. No matter what I do, you’re always soft. And I just can’t keep you around if you’re always going to be soft.” And then launch the lens.

  • David

    That was ridiculously awesome!
    Too bad it wasn’t in the budget, but that should have been your Superbowl ad.

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