Lensrentals News and Alerts

Introducing Lenscap+

Published April 21, 2014

In 2006, Lensrentals was the very first photographic rental company to offer an optional damage waiver program to its customers. Since then, we have continued to develop innovative options for our renters like the Lensrentals HD subscription shipping program.

Since the introduction of the damage waiver, one of the most common requests we’ve received is to offer additional levels of coverage that protect against theft and situations where a total loss occurs. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t financially possible for us to offer such a program at a price that made sense for our customers, but we never stopped working on it.

Finally, after years of trying, we are thrilled to announce the Lenscap and Lenscap+ protection plans! In addition to providing our renters the additional coverage options they want, we think we’ve succeeded in setting the prices so they’re an absolute value for everyone.

Meet Lenscap and Lenscap+

The Lenscap protection plans are optional add-ons that limit your liability in the case of a covered event causing damage or total loss of products on your rental.

Simply, if a covered event occurs to equipment protected by a Lenscap plan, your liability is limited to the lesser of the cost to repair the equipment or 10% of the replacement cost.

¹ Liability limited to maximum of $100,000. Amounts in excess of $100,000 are 100% liable. For full terms and conditions, please see our FAQ.

What is Covered by the Standard Lenscap Plan?

Effectively, the standard Lenscap protection plan replaces the pre-existing Lensrentals Damage Waiver program and covers accidental damage to our equipment as long as you can return it to us. It even covers bear attacks. In the case of damage, your liability will never exceed 10% of the replacement cost of the damaged equipment, no matter how expensive the repair actually is.

What is Covered by the Lenscap+ Plan?

Lenscap+ offers the same protection as the standard plan for accidental damage to the equipment, but additionally protects you against certain situations that make it impossible to return the equipment that you rented.

Was the equipment stolen? You’re covered. Did it get sucked up in a tornado? You’re covered. Did it fall off an aircraft (seriously)? You’re covered.

Just like with the standard Lenscap plan, your liability is limited to 10% of the replacement value of the covered equipment.

For full information on both plans, please view our FAQs and Rental Agreement.

Author: Lensrentals

Articles written by the entire editorial and technical staff at LensRentals.com. These articles are for when there is more than one author for the entire post, and are written as a community effort.

Posted in Lensrentals News and Alerts
  • Bob

    The image states “Amounts in access of $100,000”, should be excess, not access. 🙂 Otherwise, excellent cost-effective plan for covering equipment.

  • kathleen GR

    I don’t plan on having any of the above happen, but it’s good to know
    that I’m covered. this makes the difference as to which online company
    I’ll rent from. Good job.

  • Roger Cicala

    Leo, not on older posts like this. I’d email them at support@wordpress.lensrentals.com, go to the website and hit the chat button, or give them a call.

  • leo

    do they even answer any of the questions posed here????

  • Austin

    Same concern as one of above poster. Traveling to countries where theft is rampant. I’m following my colleague’s itinerary but he had his equipment stolen. How would you file a claim with lenscap+ ? We are responsible for 10% of lens retail value?

  • Are you in Tucson, Ar?? I would need to rent a cañón 20mm f 2.8
    Thank you for your answer
    Best regards

  • Muhammad Khan

    Can someone confirm me if the lenscap+ protection covers international travel of the equipment. I will be traveling to Asia in a months time so I just wanna make sure that I will be covered for any damage, lost or stolen gear.

    Waiting for the reply. Thanks

  • Ryan Lackey

    By “flood”, do you mean “land got flooded”, or “underwater housing got flooded”?

  • Duy Nguyen

    Hi LensRental, i would like to know if the lens cap + going cover item that is stolen or drop, because I’m going to travel to asia this October( Vietnam to be specific) and i had heard that pick pocket are pretty common over there, thanks

  • Michael


    Your rental agreement doesn’t clearly cover theft with lenscap+ coverage.
    Can you please clarify how does it works? There is some information in FAQ, but at the end a lessee signs rental agreement and all these should be described.

  • Bill

    I just was talking about taking lens to Africa with CSR and was told that it would be covered with Lenscap+ so no brainier – made the upgrade

  • Paul

    Did anyone get an answer about international? Heading back to Africa again soon and would like to rent if international is covered. ??

  • Antonio Govela

    Does the Lenscap+ cover international? I’m going to Cancun Mexico next month!


  • Joseph


    I’m an Australian traveling to the US for an event and tried to place a rental order and was informed that LensCap+ isn’t available for international customers.

    Perhaps this should be mentioned somewhere, because I can’t find it on this Blog, the FAQ or the Rental Agreement.

  • Ray

    Does Lenscap+ take the place of requiring a Certificate of Insurance for larger orders? Does it also cover to shipping time too?

  • Ray

    Does Lenscap+ take the place of requiring a Certificate of Insurance for larger orders? Does it also cover to shipping time too?

  • Ryan

    Does Lenscap+ take the place of requiring a Certificate of Insurance for larger orders?

  • Grayson

    Do you guys mean “amounts in excess”? I am not sure “amounts in access” works in the usage abo

  • Roger Cicala

    Siming, that would be doubly covered!

  • Siming

    What if a bear steals it? Would that fall under Bear Attacks or Theft?

  • Aaron

    Hehe, love you put the Bear Attack in there. Always a good time when you post a unique story of a rental equipment losses.

  • Chad VW

    Does the lenscap+ cover items that were taken internationally? I’m planning a trip to South America and would like to get this.

  • SoulNibbler

    On the caption for the coverage it looks like you spelled access instead of excess of 100,000$.

  • I want to know the story behind that lens as I’m sure you’re not renting the 16mm f/3.5!

  • Drew Cicala

    Eliot, as long as the order hasn’t been delivered yet, then yes.

  • Eliot

    For those of us that have a rental on the way, can we “upgrade” from the damage waiver plan for our current rental?

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