Category The Glass in Front of Your Glass: All About Filters | Lensrentals Blog

Lenses and Optics

The Glass in Front of Your Glass: All About Filters


In the ancient days of film, any photographer worth his flash bulbs had a large set of filters in his bag. Filters to correct light, enhance contrast, add special effects to his images, you name it, there was a filter for it. Then came Photoshop and RAW and filters became quaint. Many of them, anyway. […]

Lenses and Optics

The Seven Deadly Aberrations


This article is aimed toward the gearheads among us, those who want to know more about how things work. Reading it will not improve your photography even a microscopic amount. Then again, it might, actually, at least a bit. But for those who are interested in such things it’s a fun read. And for many […]

Lenses and Optics

Everything but the Sharpness


About 614 times a day I take a phone call or answer an email that is essentially the same question: “How sharp is this lens?” It’s no different in online forums (ok, actually forums are a lot worse) where pages of arguments drone on comparing the results of this bench-test lab review, these MTF charts, […]

Lenses and Optics

“This Lens Is Soft” and Other Facts


In 2008, I wrote an article This Lens is Soft, and Other Myths that pointed out that lenses and cameras all have tolerance ranges and sometimes a given lens can be sharp on one camera body, and soft on another. At the time, autofocus micro-adjustment was a fairly new feature on camera bodies and my […]

Lenses and Optics

Fast Lenses: A Primer


by Stephen Michael Garey What is a Fast Lens? A fast lens is any lens of any type and focal length that has an aperture design capable of opening to f/2.8 or wider. There are fast lenses currently available that open as wide as f/1.2, and there are any number of popular lenses that open […]

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