Category The Most Important Developments in Photography | Lensrentals Blog

History of Photography

The Most Important Developments in Photography


In my last article I listed the three most important developments in photography. Then someone pointed out that I’d made an error. I mean, I may have misspoken.  Wait, I mean I was less correct than I might have been. I listed the invention of the camera first (that part is pretty hard to argue […]

History of Photography

The Showman, the Sheriff, and the First Cameras


Enter the Showman In my last article, we discussed the first image makers, up until the late 1820s when Niepce had actually been able to make images using a camera obscura and silver plates coated with Bitumen of Judea. On his way to England, Niepce had been introduced to a most interesting man, Louis Daguerre, […]

History of Photography

The Chemists, the Potter, and the Aristocrat: Imaging Before the Photograph


Since I started my articles on the early development of photographic lenses, I’ve been wanting to write an article on the development of the first cameras. The early days are so much more fun to write about, back when photographic advances were about people rather than corporations. Many of the major players despised each other, […]


FWIGTEW and Other First Wedding Acronyms


One of the enjoyable things about running Lensrentals is getting to work with lots of photographers who are taking their hobby professional and entering the field of wedding photography. We have many regular customers that we’ve worked with since they rented equipment for their first big shoot, seen them grow over the years, and now […]


The Full Frame Move


I hear it all the time: I’m thinking about moving to a full-frame camera. It’s getting more common as the price gap between full and crop frame cameras is shrinking, at least to some degree. But often it said as if moving to full-frame is, by itself, an upgrade. As someone who moves back and […]

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