Category Comparing the Leica M11 & Leica M11 Monochrom | Lensrentals Blog


Comparing the Leica M11 & Leica M11 Monochrom


Leica – a brand synonymous with German craftsmanship and quality, is also a brand associated with a high price, and if you’re in the right (or possibly wrong) circles, a lot of cynicism. While they’re a brand known for creating lenses with some of the highest quality optics available, they’ve also been known as a […]


The Art of Backlighting


When lighting a subject, it makes the most sense to have the light in front of the subject. However, when shooting with the light in front of your subject, it’s easy to make your image appear flat and uninteresting. By using a backlight, you’re able to further separate your subject from the background and add […]


How Modern Camera Shutters Work


There seems to be some confusion on the issue of how modern camera shutters work. I’m going to try to clear some of that up in this post. Some caveats: There are variations among camera manufacturers that I’m going to gloss over. This applies to CMOS sensors that employ at least one analog-to-digital converter per […]


Comparing AI-Generated Headshots with Real Headshots


I’ve talked a lot about AI on this blog over the years – from discussing how it will change the industry, to implementing AI-based tools to better your workflow. In short, I’m pretty terrified of what AI is going to do to budgets and jobs in general in both the photography and videography spaces. And […]

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