
The Light at the End of the Tunnel


The Light at the End of the Tunnel Won’t Be a Strobe One of my jobs at LensRentals is to predict the future. We have some flexibility, but in general we have to decide what to buy, and how many copies to buy, before an item is actually released. So I get to spend a […]

Roger's Corner

This Changes Everything Award for 2009


I like to write two things: history and predicting the future. I’m pretty accurate on the former and usually entertain people when I try to do the latter. I started to write a history article about the most important, landscape-changing advances in the digital camera world. When I started researching it, I realized that in […]

Photographic Techniques

How to Get Sharp Telephoto Images


You want to know what the most common cause of photographer disappointment is? Absolutely, positively the most common? It’s the photographer who just came back from a special trip—a safari, a wildlife adventure, birding, maybe even whale watching—with 762 blurry telephoto pictures. We talk to someone at least once every week with just this scenario. […]

Lenses and Optics

Fast Lenses: A Primer


by Stephen Michael Garey What is a Fast Lens? A fast lens is any lens of any type and focal length that has an aperture design capable of opening to f/2.8 or wider. There are fast lenses currently available that open as wide as f/1.2, and there are any number of popular lenses that open […]

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