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Lens Rentals Stop it Down. Just a Bit. | Lensrentals Blog

Lenses and Optics

Stop it Down. Just a Bit.


If you read much that I write, you know I love’s me some wide-aperture prime lenses. I like the narrow depth of field that isolates my subject, and the ability to shoot in low light. More than anything else, though, I love a nice sharp lens with superb resolution and excellent contrast. A lot of people […]

Lenses and Optics

The Limits of Variation


A few people were more than a little amused that I, the ultimate pixel-peeper, wrote an article demonstrating that all lenses and all cameras vary a bit; that you can’t find the ultimately sharpest lens.  Each individual copy of a given lens is a little different from the other copies. A single copy will behave […]

Lenses and Optics

Fun with Thumbtacks for Advanced Photogeeks


Introduction There’s a scene in the old movie Marathon Man where Dustin Hoffman wakes up strapped in a Dentist’s chair, mouth forced open, while the evil dentist drills into the nerves of his teeth, repeating the same question over-and-over: “Is it safe”? Tortured past endurance, he would answer if he could, but the question has […]


Stuff I Wish I’d Never Bought


When I wrote about stuff I would buy with my own money it got me thinking about all of the buyer’s remorse I’ve had over the years, both with personal gear I’ve bought, and with things I’ve bought for Lensrentals. I’m a gearhead, so this isn’t about “things that weren’t profitable”. Our accountants would have […]

How To's

How to Test a Lens


If you read my articles very often, you may have realized I’m not one to let a lack of knowledge prevent me from writing on a topic. First-hand knowledge I mean. I write a lot of articles that I may spend 6 weeks researching before I feel knowledgeable enough to start writing. But this is […]

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