Category Just the MTF Charts: 70-200mm f/4 Zoom Lenses | Lensrentals Blog

70-200mm f/4 MTF Charts

Just MTF Charts

Just the MTF Charts: 70-200mm f/4 Zoom Lenses


We did the 70-200mm f/2.8 lens MTF charts last week, so let’s do the f/4 versions of the same range now. Sports shooters and portrait photographers need that f/2.8 aperture, but many of us, most of the time, are willing to trade that off for smaller-lighter-less expensive f/4 models. So, About f/4 Before we start, let me […]

MTF Charts for Zoom Lenses

Just MTF Charts

Just the MTF Charts: 70-200mm f2.8 Zoom Lenses


Well, I’ve avoided putting up the zoom lenses as long as I could, but here we are. I’m going to do things a little differently; rather than listing by brand I’m going to try listing by range and type. I’m suspicious of it because it’s going to bring out the Brand Zealots who for some […]

Cine MTF Charts

Just MTF Charts

Just the Cinema MTF Charts: Tokina and Veydra Primes


The Zeiss post was really long, this one is pretty short. I will mention again, these are less than 10 copy averages; we don’t carry a lot of these lenses. But there’s no MTF data elsewhere for them, so I will put out what we have. A Quick How to on Reading MTF Charts If […]

Zeiss Cine MTF Tests

Just MTF Charts

Just the Cinema MTF Charts: Zeiss Cine Lenses


Zeiss makes a lot of cinema lenses, there are a lot of graphs in this post. Please remember for some, like the Supreme Primes and some of the CP.3 lenses we didn’t get much access to, the MTF graph is the average of just a few copies (the number of copies is identified on the […]

Canon Cine Lenses MTF Charts

Just MTF Charts

Just the Cinema Lens MTF Charts: Canon and Sigma


We’re going to continue the Cinema prime MTFs with the Canon and Sigma lenses. Again, we’re not going in any particular order, other than what we have handy and what fits reasonably into a single post. Since these are among our most popular cinema lenses, we do generally have at least a 10-copy set for each. […]

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