Technical Discussions

Lens Repair Data 3.0


What is this? It has become our practice to publish our lens repair data every 6 months. We started it at the request of some customers who felt the large number of lenses we deal with and the harsh conditions they are subjected to provided an opportunity to get some factual data about which lenses […]

Photographic Techniques

Introduction to IR Photography


This article is a simple introduction to Infrared Photography. For those of you who find it interesting I’ve placed some links to more detailed and extensive sources at the end of this. What is Infrared Photography? First, lets more clearly define what we’re talking about. What we refer to as light is electromagnetic radiation with […]

Roger's Corner

State of the SLR Market -2009


Note: A number of people were kind enough to provide me with more information on this topic after we first published this article. I’ve revised it as of May 9, 2009 Additions are in green font or in the addendum at the end of the article. If you don’t buy a lot of camera gear, […]

Photographic Techniques

Controlling Depth of Field


Probably the better title of this article would be Depth of Field for the mathematically challenged. If you’re a moderately experienced digital photographer, you know verbally what the depth of field is: The range of distance from the camera in which objects appear acceptably sharp in a photograph. As photographers its of critical importance: When […]

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