Photographic Techniques

A Broad Guide to Ultra Wide


A while back I wrote a blog on Getting Sharp Telephoto Images when I realized a lot of our renters were using big telephoto lenses for the first time and didn’t know the tricks it took to get good telephoto images. We also see people struggle at the opposite end of the focal length range: […]

Photographic Techniques

Photographing Holiday Lights


Well, my article on Indoor Holiday Tips was a little late, but the Outdoor Tips article is going to be a bit early. I was planning on putting this out over Thanksgiving weekend to coincide with many of us risking life and limb to put up outdoor lighting. But in a depiphany of sorts, I’ve […]

Photographic Techniques

Indoor Holiday Photography Tips


Sometimes I get busy and my articles get a little late. This one is extremely late – I started it about this time last year. My idea was that I’d put all the Holiday Photography tips I knew into one space. It turns out that after taking horrible holiday photographs for many years, I’ve learned […]

Technical Discussions

Lens Repair Data 3.5


What Is This? It is our practice to publish our lens repair data every 6 months (data published in May of 2009 is shown in Lens Repair Data 3.0). We started it at the request of some customers who felt that the large number of lenses we deal with and the harsh conditions they are […]


The Light at the End of the Tunnel


The Light at the End of the Tunnel Won’t Be a Strobe One of my jobs at LensRentals is to predict the future. We have some flexibility, but in general we have to decide what to buy, and how many copies to buy, before an item is actually released. So I get to spend a […]

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