Category Quiz: RED Camera Name, American Gladiator Name, or Both?

RED Camera of American Gladiator

Humor and Sarcasm

Quiz: RED Camera Name, American Gladiator Name, or Both?


In the past, we’ve put out several April Fools day posts, from Roger explaining how to find the perfect brick wall to test your lenses with the utmost accuracy, to him explaining the new numerical analysis system employed to find which lens is truly the sharpest. This year, instead of teasing our readers to see […]

History of Lenses

Geek Articles

A Brief History of Early Lenses: Part 1


We are all recent-centric. We tend to think the technology we use didn’t exist until last year or so, even though the roots of it go way back. Phone apps are a great example. I have a dozen little apps on that phone that do things like calculate depth of field…


Stuff You Can Do When You Ain’t Got Nothing to Do


Are you bored yet? I don’t have to ask if your kids are bored yet. A lot of you are trying to think of something to do besides ‘out the window’ and ‘front porch’ photography. We’re all worried and anxious about a lot of things, but sooner or later, we need to do something, anything, […]


How to Disinfect Camera Equipment and Spaces


I’m qualified to talk about this subject to some degree; I take care of a ton of camera equipment, and I was a physician in my past life. And I’ve had so many requests for information about this that it seems logical to put something out, so everyone has access to it. That being said, […]

24-70mm Field Curvature Article

Geek Articles

Practical Use of Field Curvature: 24-70mm Zooms


We’ve done a pretty good introduction to the field curvatures of 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, and 85mm prime lenses. We made a little bit of comparison with bargain primes and zoom lenses at 35mm. This post is going to assume you are familiar with those previous posts. (Yes, I know the reality is most people read […]

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