Category How Autofocus (Often) Works | Lensrentals Blog

Technical Discussions

How Autofocus (Often) Works


Clarke’s Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke Clark’s Law: Any sufficiently advanced cluelessness is indistinguishable from malice. J. Porter Clark My Apologies Nothing in online forums demonstrates the two laws above better than discussions involving camera autofocus systems. Clarke’s law because very, very few people have the slightest grasp […]

Technical Discussions

Lens Repair Data 3.5


What Is This? It is our practice to publish our lens repair data every 6 months (data published in May of 2009 is shown in Lens Repair Data 3.0). We started it at the request of some customers who felt that the large number of lenses we deal with and the harsh conditions they are […]

Technical Discussions

Comparing Supertelephotos: Canon and Nikon


We wanted people who have never handled supertelephoto lenses to be able to gauge their size and weight. So, here’s a comparison of Canon Supertelephoto lenses: And here’s a comparison of Nikon Supertelephoto lenses: Enjoy! Mike Henry More Lensrentals Articles


Supporting Supertelephoto Lenses


Take a look at a video we put together to explain the different options people have to support their supertelephoto lenses. Enjoy! Mike Henry More Lensrentals Articles

Technical Discussions

Lens Repair Data 3.0


What is this? It has become our practice to publish our lens repair data every 6 months. We started it at the request of some customers who felt the large number of lenses we deal with and the harsh conditions they are subjected to provided an opportunity to get some factual data about which lenses […]

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