Category Sensor Size Matters - Part 2 | Lensrentals Blog

Technical Discussions

Sensor Size Matters – Part 2


Why Sensor Size Matters Part 1 of this series discussed what the different sensor sizes actually are and encouraged you to think in terms of the surface area of the sensors. It assured you the size of the sensor was important, but really didn’t explain how it was important (other than the crop-factor effect). This […]

Technical Discussions

Sensor Size Matters – Part 1


We get a lot of questions about sensor sizes and crop factors.  Most people know the difference between a standard (APS-C) crop sensor and a full-frame sensor. Not many, though, know how much smaller a 2/3” sensor is than a 4/3 sensor, and fewer still the difference between those and a 1/1.8” sensor. Plus Canon […]

Lenses and Optics

The Limits of Variation


A few people were more than a little amused that I, the ultimate pixel-peeper, wrote an article demonstrating that all lenses and all cameras vary a bit; that you can’t find the ultimately sharpest lens.  Each individual copy of a given lens is a little different from the other copies. A single copy will behave […]

Roger's Corner

Good Times with Bad Filters


OK. First and foremost this is a fun post. It is not episode 362 of “Should you put a UV filter on your lens”. Some people use them. Some don’t. There’s not enough bandwidth to ever end that argument. But here at Lensrentals, we have a ton of filters. We have some really good, very […]

Lenses and Optics

The Glass in Front of Your Glass: All About Filters


In the ancient days of film, any photographer worth his flash bulbs had a large set of filters in his bag. Filters to correct light, enhance contrast, add special effects to his images, you name it, there was a filter for it. Then came Photoshop and RAW and filters became quaint. Many of them, anyway. […]

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