Category Canon Illumination Correction and Third-Party Lenses | Lensrentals Blog

Lenses and Optics

Canon Illumination Correction and Third-Party Lenses


I while back I put out a notice that the Sigma 150mm and 180mm OS Macros had an issue if you shot JPGs on a Canon 5D Mk III and left peripheral illumination correction on. The camera auto-corrected for vignetting that wasn’t there, leaving an interesting pattern with a dark center and lightened edges and […]

How To's

A Tilted Element Demonstration


One thing we preach here a lot is that just because a dropped lens looks fine on the outside doesn’t mean it is fine. The other thing we preach a lot is that a tiny difference in the centering, tilt or placement of a single element can have a dramatic effect on image quality. Aaron made […]

Technical Discussions

Autofocus Reality Part 3B: Canon Cameras


Some days it’s good to be a geeky gear-head. This is one of them because a) I finished testing autofocus on all of the Canon camera bodies we had, b) I actually found out some interesting stuff, and c) I got worked up about camera marketers while doing it, so I have my next post […]

Technical Discussions

Autofocus Reality Part 3A: Canon Lenses


  Sometimes I get to write cool, new stuff. Sometimes there’s just grunt work to be done, usually of my own making. This is one of those times. To bring you up to date if you’ve landed here first, this is how I got here. Autofocus Reality Part 1 showed that on center-point, single-shot autofocus, […]

Technical Discussions

Autofocus Reality Part 2: One vs. Two, Old vs. New


The first part of this series confirmed what we already new: Live view focus is more accurate than phase detection AF. This part is going to (sort of) look at something I’ve wondered about along with some related old wives’ tales. And unlike the first article, at the end of this we’ll have learned something […]

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