History of Photography

The Most Important Developments in Photography


In my last article I listed the three most important developments in photography. Then someone pointed out that I’d made an error. I mean, I may have misspoken.  Wait, I mean I was less correct than I might have been. I listed the invention of the camera first (that part is pretty hard to argue […]


The Gear Head Pixel Peeper Quiz


I admit it. I am a card-carrying gear-head pixel-peeper. But I have an excuse (well, at least now I do): gear is my business. There was a time, before I got honest with myself, when I thought I was a just a photographer who was really interested in the tools of my craft. Eventually, I […]


Roger’s Under $50 Photographer’s Christmas List


As usual, I’m supposed to write a Holiday article this time of year. And subtly suggest that a Lensrentals.com gift certificate would make the perfect gift for everyone on your list. So, OK, we’ve covered the gift certificate thing. That’s good since last year’s Holiday article was an epic fail that way. And caused enough trouble […]

Photographic Techniques

Sharing a Good Read


One part of my job that gets to be a job sometimes is reading. The writing I do requires a lot of research reading. Making purchasing and troubleshooting decisions for Lensrentals requires a lot of research reading. So when I received a copy of Steve Simon’s book The Passionate Photographer: Ten Steps to Becoming Great […]

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