Category "D" resolution tests | Lensrentals Blog


“D” resolution tests


It’s been kind of an exciting couple of weeks, with 3 major new SLRs released and a couple of more on the way. There are plenty of people out there who are doing in-depth reviews, touting the greatness of the new cameras, and trashing them online without having touched one (My favorite so far is […]


Small Camera Overview


For several years I’ve wanted a small second camera, easy to carry around, but with image quality that is close to that of an SLR. A camera to take pictures with when my primary purpose isn’t to take pictures. Five years ago such a thing didn’t exist and I made do with the better point-and-shoot […]


Roger’s Under $50 Photographer’s Christmas List


As usual, I’m supposed to write a Holiday article this time of year. And subtly suggest that a gift certificate would make the perfect gift for everyone on your list. So, OK, we’ve covered the gift certificate thing. That’s good since last year’s Holiday article was an epic fail that way. And caused enough trouble […]


Lenses: Don’t Collect the Whole Set


Wisdom comes from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions. Author unknown This article is written for those people who not too long ago walked into (or more likely logged onto) a camera store and purchased their first digital SLR and a lens or two. It was 12 years ago for me, but I still remember […]


SLR Video Accessories


By now a lot of you have tried your hand at shooting a little video on one of the new HD video enabled SLR camera, and a lot more of you are thinking about it. Many of you who tried a little video shooting probably came to the same realization that I did—its pretty fun, […]

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