Category The Best Lens Bargains | Lensrentals Blog


The Best Lens Bargains


Increasing vision is increasingly expensive. – R. A. Janek (actually Michael Crichton) For the last year or so, it seems like almost every new lens release has been accompanied by sticker shock. The manufacturers are businessmen and they know when we’ve been salivating at the promise of a new wonder lens. They know we”ll be […]


Roger Buys a Camera System: Finally


OK, I’ve taken a long route, but narrowed things down to a Nikon D800e based system, a Canon full-frame system, or a Pentax K-5 IIs system. All of them met my needs just fine, although the D800e system gave me better image quality and the Pentax a bit less. Let’s Begin With: Don’t Do What […]


Roger Buys a Camera System: Refining My Choices


In the earlier portions of this process, I have: 1) Gotten a quick idea about the relative importance of lens versus sensor resolution 2) Screened for camera systems that might meet my needs 3) Investigated the rough cost of candidate systems After some preliminary screening I had decided to investigate several full-frame and several APS-C […]


Roger Buys a Camera System: So What’s This Going to Cost?


Lensrentals, 2013   In my last post I made a preliminary list of systems I was going to consider. Some people are a little surprised I’m considering crop sensor cameras. I’m surprised that they’re surprised. I’ve shot with a micro 4/3 system for months and it certainly met 80% of my needs, so an APS-C […]


Roger Buys a Camera System: Screening for Candidates


As I mentioned in my last post, I have more time for photography now than I have for the last several years so I’m buying a personal camera system. While I can ‘borrow’ stuff from Lensrentals for a specific shoot I can’t just take a system and keep it at my house permanently. My rule […]

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