Category A Basic Understanding of Color Theory | Lensrentals Blog


A Basic Understanding of Color Theory


If you’ve been a frequent reader of this blog, you’ve probably heard me tiptoe around color theory, and say that I’m not going to go into it further; as a post on color theory deserves a book or several college courses and not something a few paragraphs can do justice. However, it is a frequent […]

How To's

Photographing the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse


The Annular Eclipse of October 2023 provided valuable experience to practice for the 2024 Total Eclipse. Preparing to photograph the eclipse made all the difference in getting the photos I envisioned, as well as actually enjoying the event without being glued to my camera the whole time. I’ll be covering what I plan to shoot, […]


Comparing AI-Generated Headshots with Real Headshots


I’ve talked a lot about AI on this blog over the years – from discussing how it will change the industry, to implementing AI-based tools to better your workflow. In short, I’m pretty terrified of what AI is going to do to budgets and jobs in general in both the photography and videography spaces. And […]

How To's

Building a Photo or Video Studio on a Budget


Having a photography studio can help elevate your photography work, and your brand image considerably, but what comes with a fresh photography studio is an immense amount of expenses. Because of this, you’ll find a lot of photographers who work exclusively on location – offering their sessions at local parks or public spots. But you […]


Photographing Wildlife from a Kayak


Many of the most compelling wildlife images are taken from as close to the subject’s eye level as possible.  For aquatic birds, small marine mammals, and other wildlife that live in and around the water achieving this can be challenging. I have found that photographing these animals from a kayak has really unlocked my ability […]

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