The Cameo VEObob Accessory Kit for Phantom VEO4K is a breakout box and power accessory add-on for Phantom VEO cameras that adds external hot swappable power inputs and accessory ports to the camera. Key features include:
Pass power, trigger, and serial control to VEO camera
Dual power inputs with hot swap capability
2x 2-pin LEMO and 1x 3-pin Fischer accessory ports
Camera and cage not included
VRI VEO Breakout. The Cameo VEObob is an I/O breakout box for Phantom VEO4K that adds Flex 4K-standard inputs and outputs, like 12V accessory and redundant camera power, to VEO4K EF and VEO4K PL cameras.
Trigger and Serial Control. We include two jumper cables to pass the external power, serial control, and trigger commands to the camera for seamless operation. Need a wireless remote? No problem! We recommend the Semote Wireless Control for Phantom Camera.
Accessorize As Needed. In addition to power inputs, the VEObob also adds 2 accessory power outputs through a single 3-pin Fisher port and two 2-pin LEMO (ARRI-Standard polarity) ports for powering compatible SmallHD monitors and Teradek Bolts when paired with a 2-pin Lemo adapter cable.
Cheese Plate Not Included. This breakout box does not natively attach to a VEO camera and requires a top and bottom camera plate for side mounting or a single cheese plate for top mounting. We include a hardware kit to mount this to our VRI Phantom VEO4K Cage.