Category Fun with Thumbtacks for Advanced Photogeeks | Lensrentals Blog

Lenses and Optics

Fun with Thumbtacks for Advanced Photogeeks


Introduction There’s a scene in the old movie Marathon Man where Dustin Hoffman wakes up strapped in a Dentist’s chair, mouth forced open, while the evil dentist drills into the nerves of his teeth, repeating the same question over-and-over: “Is it safe”? Tortured past endurance, he would answer if he could, but the question has […]


Powering Up With Gold Mount Batteries


This is intended as a guide for configuring a variety of devices so they can all be powered by professional gold mount batteries. All of the items mentioned in this guide are hyperlinked to their corresponding LensRentals product page. Once you’ve decided the configuration you want, I suggest opening this page as a separate window […]

Lenses and Optics

Things You Should Know About Your Lenses, But May Not


This is not an article. A good article is like a five course meal, leading you through various tastes until you get to the big point of the whole thing: cheesecake. But I had a few things I wanted to talk about that weren’t an article in themselves, just blurbs, really. So I planned this […]

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