Category The Full Frame Move | Lensrentals Blog


The Full Frame Move


I hear it all the time: I’m thinking about moving to a full-frame camera. It’s getting more common as the price gap between full and crop frame cameras is shrinking, at least to some degree. But often it said as if moving to full-frame is, by itself, an upgrade. As someone who moves back and […]


Lenses: Don’t Collect the Whole Set


Wisdom comes from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions. Author unknown This article is written for those people who not too long ago walked into (or more likely logged onto) a camera store and purchased their first digital SLR and a lens or two. It was 12 years ago for me, but I still remember […]

Lenses and Optics

Everything but the Sharpness


About 614 times a day I take a phone call or answer an email that is essentially the same question: “How sharp is this lens?” It’s no different in online forums (ok, actually forums are a lot worse) where pages of arguments drone on comparing the results of this bench-test lab review, these MTF charts, […]


The II Conundrum


First, things first: this is simply an editorial. So there’s no worthwhile knowledge in this article, just my opinions. A few years ago, when a new version of anything came out, here was the Lensrentals drill: Buy the new version, anywhere at any price because we couldn’t possibly get enough. Everyone would want one. Sell […]

Lenses and Optics

“This Lens Is Soft” and Other Facts


In 2008, I wrote an article This Lens is Soft, and Other Myths that pointed out that lenses and cameras all have tolerance ranges and sometimes a given lens can be sharp on one camera body, and soft on another. At the time, autofocus micro-adjustment was a fairly new feature on camera bodies and my […]

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