Category Stuff I Wish I'd Never Bought | Lensrentals Blog


Stuff I Wish I’d Never Bought


When I wrote about stuff I would buy with my own money it got me thinking about all of the buyer’s remorse I’ve had over the years, both with personal gear I’ve bought, and with things I’ve bought for Lensrentals. I’m a gearhead, so this isn’t about “things that weren’t profitable”. Our accountants would have […]


Stuff I Would Buy If I Bought Stuff


I know I have a dream job. I do all of the buying for Lensrentals, so I can justify spending large parts of my day looking for what’s new and great in the imaging world. And I’m spending company money. I don’t have to buy much camera gear. If I want to use something I […]


ND Filters for Video


This article applies mostly to people shooting video on DSLR cameras, with lens adapters, or on higher-end interchangeable lens camcorders. Most ENG style camcorders come equipped with a built-in ND filter dial, which is about as much filtration as ENG style shooters have time for. For ND filter basics check out the ND filter section […]

Lenses and Optics

The Glass in Front of Your Glass: All About Filters


In the ancient days of film, any photographer worth his flash bulbs had a large set of filters in his bag. Filters to correct light, enhance contrast, add special effects to his images, you name it, there was a filter for it. Then came Photoshop and RAW and filters became quaint. Many of them, anyway. […]

Lenses and Optics

The Seven Deadly Aberrations


This article is aimed toward the gearheads among us, those who want to know more about how things work. Reading it will not improve your photography even a microscopic amount. Then again, it might, actually, at least a bit. But for those who are interested in such things it’s a fun read. And for many […]

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