Category How to Expose Raw Files – Part 2 | Lensrentals Blog

Geek Articles

How to Expose Raw Files – Part 2


This is Part 2 of an article published last week. For the best understanding, please read part one by clicking here. Last week, we talked a bit about how the camera exposes raw files and used an analogy of rainwater and buckets to explain that. Today, we’re going to dive into the topic more and […]

Geek Articles

How to Expose Raw Files – Part 1


Throughout the two-century history of photography, the subject of exposure has been repeatedly addressed and hotly debated. In the film era, people talked about exposure and B&W’s negative development in two ways. At first, when most of the photography was done with sheets and plates, it was “expose for the shadows, develop for the highlights”, […]

Geek Articles

How Your Camera and Image Processor Determine Colors


Sometimes, people are talking about in-camera JPEGs, and it is possible to have a moderately fruitful discussion. How fruitful it might be depends on the definition of better. If better means more accurate, careful image analysis can yield objective insights. If better means, “what I like”, a meeting of the minds is far less likely.

Geek Articles

How Your Camera’s Focus Bracketing System Works


For many years, photographers have had focus-stacking programs like Helicon Focus and Zerene Stacker. You can now get the capability in some general-purpose image editors like Lightroom and Capture One Pro. Focus stacking software takes as input a series of images of the same subject with the focal plane in a different place in each […]

Geek Articles

Disassembling the Lumix S Pro R70-200mm f/4 OIS


We’ve been impressed with most of the lenses that have come out for the L mount cameras but haven’t taken many of them apart. But as luck would have it, we have several Panasonic Lumix Pro 70-200mm f/4 OIS lenses needing repairs for autofocus issues. In the U. S., Panasonic doesn’t offer repair really, just […]

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