Category Third Party Ultra-Wide Lenses MTF Comparison | Lensrentals Blog

Geek Articles

Third Party Ultra-Wide Lenses MTF Comparison


Contrary to what most people believe, we do pay some attention when people ask us to do MTF testing on certain lenses. I’m not saying we do it, but we do pay attention to the requests and when we have some downtime will look at that request lists and see if there’s something on it […]


Front Element Lens Protection Revisited


The internet is an interesting resource. Once you’ve put a reference up, it’s there forever. Over time, things may change, but that 10-year-old article doesn’t. A few weeks ago someone used some old articles I’d written (1, 2, 3) as a reason why he doesn’t use protective UV filters. They claimed I had said there was no need […]

Geek Articles

Real World Testing of the New Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L III


Last month Roger did his standard series of optical bench tests on the new Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L III. But that doesn’t show you what it looks like in real pictures. I decided to take the new lens and a large selection of comparable lenses from Canon, as well as offerings from Nikon, Sony, and Tokina, […]


Things to Know When Transitioning to Sony Mirrorless Camera Systems


There is no doubt that Sony has made some massive changes over the last few years in the photography industry. What was once a brand that many laughed at, has now become the leading sensor manufacturer and most exciting camera manufacturer in the digital era. So I wanted to take a moment and give you […]

Geek Articles

An Inside Look at the Rokinon 50mm AF FE Autofocus Lens


I have had a love-hate relationship with Samyang / Rokinon lenses for a long time now. (We carry the Rokinon brand, because the distributor, Elite Brands offers repair services in the U. S.) Rokinon lenses provide good optics at an incredible price. They aren’t ‘built like a tank’ and aren’t going to take a lot […]

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