Topic Most Popular Photography and Videography Rentals for 2019 | Lensrentals Blog

Top Photography Rentals 2019


Most Popular Photography and Videography Rentals for 2019


As per tradition here at, at the end of the year, we go through all of our records and use that to provide the public with some insight on the industry and where it is going. Through this record-keeping, we’re able to provide some information on what is the most popular rented gear from […]

Removing Fly from Lens

Geek Articles

Removing a Fly from ‘Weather Sealed’ Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II


I’ve been doing lens stuff for a long time now. Long time. Trust me; it’s hard to remain polite the 843,911th time some newbie goes into hysterics because there’s dust in their lens. Telling them it doesn’t matter a bit, and that all their other lenses have dust they just can’t see ( because different optics magnify […]


Review of the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III Lens


The history of the 70-200mm is far shorter than many may suspect. With the original Canon 70-200mm f/.28L, from Canon at least, being released in 1995, many people are shocked to hear that we’ve had seven different iterations of this lens in just 23 years. And that’s only counting the Canon versions – Sigma, Tamron, […]

Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 IS III teardown


Lens Teardowns and Comparisons of the Canon 70-200mm f2.8 IS II and III


Years ago, I introduced Roger’s Law of New Product Introduction AKA The Fanboy Uncertainty Principle. But what about new releases that really aren’t new? Usually, they fail to reach sufficient quantum energy to generate much of an opinion either way. They are the dark matter of photography, detectable only by the size of B&H’s website. It has been my […]

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