Category Shooting Anamorphic on the RED V-Raptor | Lensrentals Blog


Shooting Anamorphic on the RED V-Raptor


Recently, my team and I got a proposal to make a music video for an alternative rock band. Their pitch boiled down to essentially “a throwback to 70’s/80’s horror movies, but with modern production values.” We went back and forth on a few ideas regarding aspect ratios, cameras, lenses, camera movement, and lighting. After deliberating, […]

Best Photo and Video Cameras of 2022


The Top Rented Cameras and Lenses of 2022


Each year, we go back through our data of rentals, and present to you which products are the most rented gear for that year. To us, it feels like a good judgment of the industry, as we’re one of the world’s largest rental houses for lenses and cameras. Parsing this data, and comparing it to […]

Front Element Scratches

Lenses and Optics

How Front Element Scratches Affect Your Images


We have a lot of gear in our inventory, which means we also have a lot of broken gear in the middle of repairs. When it comes to lenses, one thing we see a lot in the repair department is front element scratches. And that makes sense, when a lens is mounted, it’s the single […]


How to Quickly Ruin Your Camera and Lens


Typically, this blog stands on the idea of “Please protect your gear, and if it’s our gear you’re renting from us, please absolutely protect the gear”. However, mistakes happen, and things break. When you have an inventory as large and diverse as ours, that reality happens way more than we’d care to admit. So after […]

Geek Articles

Disassembling the Lumix S Pro R70-200mm f/4 OIS


We’ve been impressed with most of the lenses that have come out for the L mount cameras but haven’t taken many of them apart. But as luck would have it, we have several Panasonic Lumix Pro 70-200mm f/4 OIS lenses needing repairs for autofocus issues. In the U. S., Panasonic doesn’t offer repair really, just […]

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