Category OLAF's Lens Art | Lensrentals Blog


OLAF’s Lens Art


This is a Geek Article, with very little practical information. But there are pretty pictures that non-Geeks might like. (Not the construction pictures, the ones further down.) First, I should explain why I haven’t posted much lately. Lensrentals was able to expand into some adjacent space, which was desperately needed. But the testing and repair […]


I Sing of OLAF . . .


I have a couple of things to talk about today. First, is to announce the winner of our name the new machine contest. Second is to answer about 1,000 people’s questions regarding optical testing and adjustment. The New Machine’s New Name First, if you don’t known what we are naming then you can find out […]


Roger’s New Toy Needs a Name


First and foremost, if you aren’t at least a little Geeky, this post is not for you. Unless you’re one of those people who thinks ‘just take some pictures, dammit’ when I write some article about resolution testing.  In that case, you might like this article because we’re taking pictures to test lenses. Sort of. […]


The Sky is Falling and the Light is Leaking: the A7r Anti-Massacree


Anti-Massacree – A humorous anti-war movement from the 1960s, suggested in the Arlo Guthrie song Alice’s Restaurant. The song, like many of my posts, was criticized for being overly long. Believe it or not, I’m mostly a lurker in online forums. I read the hysteria of the day mostly for my own amusement. Sometimes I type a […]

Lenses and Optics

A 24-105 Comparison


Sigma has been releasing one great lens after another for a while now. Some, like the 35mm f/1.4 and 18-35mm f/1.8 zoom, have created feeding frenzies soon after (or even before) their release. Others, like the 24-105 f/4 OS, haven’t created a whole lot of fuss. So I thought we would do a little optical […]

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