Category Strobe Triggers- What's What? | Lensrentals Blog


Strobe Triggers- What’s What?


Alright everybody.  Tim here with a little info for you about strobe triggers.  We get quite a few calls or emails each week asking how these little guys work, which one is best, which one will make my photos better than everyone else’s, etc.  Since I’ve noticed a trend of questions, I thought I’d go […]

Repair alerts

Lens Repair Data 2011


What Is This? We started doing this several years ago. We have a unique opportunity: we own a very large number of lenses subjected to rather harsh conditions: they get packed in boxes, tossed around by UPS, and sometimes the user isn’t as careful with them as you would be with your own lenses. Our numbers […]

Resolution Tests

The Great 50mm Shootout


Every so often the Universe realizes I’m getting a little cocky and sends someone to ask me a simple question I can’t answer.  It happened again the other day. Michael Plumridge and Peter Lik asked Tyler what the sharpest 50mm lens was. They were shooting on Red Epics with adapters so neither brand, mount, nor price […]

History of Photography

The Most Important Developments in Photography


In my last article I listed the three most important developments in photography. Then someone pointed out that I’d made an error. I mean, I may have misspoken.  Wait, I mean I was less correct than I might have been. I listed the invention of the camera first (that part is pretty hard to argue […]

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