Category A Data Processing Contest | Lensrentals Blog

Technical Discussions

A Data Processing Contest


OK, when I introduced our new optical bench, I mentioned that it generates a lot of data. We gathered data for a nice comparison test (I mean who wouldn’t want to know how the Zeiss Otus and Sigma 50mm f/1.4 Art stack up against some nice Leica 50mm lenses). Since then I’ve spent about 20 […]


Roger’s New Toy Needs a Name


First and foremost, if you aren’t at least a little Geeky, this post is not for you. Unless you’re one of those people who thinks ‘just take some pictures, dammit’ when I write some article about resolution testing.  In that case, you might like this article because we’re taking pictures to test lenses. Sort of. […]

Lenses and Optics

Examples Using an Optical Testing Station


OK, I’ve done a couple of posts about critical focus for testing, and setting up an optical testing station.  This post will provide some demonstrations about actually using it. I’m going to use lenses that we optically adjusted back into proper alignment as examples. I’m doing this because it’s a great opportunity to show you […]

Lenses and Optics

Setting Up an Optical Testing Station


There are a lot of right ways to do optical testing. The gold standard is to put the lens on a $150,000 optical bench or run it through a well-equipped Imatest lab. But unless you have an optical bench or Imatest lab handy, that’s not practical. We have to optically test around 400 lenses a […]

How To's

Why You Can’t Optically Test Your Lens with Autofocus


By far the most common email and PM I get basically says, “I think my lens is optically out of sorts. What do you think?” The second most common is, “So what’s the best way to optically test my lens without a ton of equipment.” Years ago I wrote an overly long post about testing […]

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