Author Lenses I Love: The Canon 200mm f/2L IS | Lensrentals Blog

I'm Zach and I'm the editor and a frequent writer here at I'm also a commercial beauty photographer in Los Angeles, CA, and offer educational workshops on photography and lighting all over North America.


Lenses I Love: The Canon 200mm f/2L IS


As a photographer who has used nearly every lens in Canon’s repertoire, it’s rare to find one that truly impresses me beyond the ones I own and love. For the longest time, I’ve grown content with my current lineup (which is an overwhelming collection of prime glass), and haven’t had much gear lust over the […]


Guide to Buying Used Photography Gear


Buying gear within the used market can be a great way to save money. However, you can also be left with a lemon, and no way to return your soft lens or broken gear. Since we work with thousands of pieces of gear on a daily basis, I figured it was time to discuss the […]


Review of the Sigma 24-35mm f/2 Art Series


Last week, Roger had the unique opportunity to get a single copy of the Sigma 24-35mm f/2 Art Series to test the sharpness up against the most common lenses in the 24mm and 35mm focal range. When Roger was done with his tests, and showing off his results, I had the opportunity to bring the […]


Using ND Filters to Balance Ambient Light With Artificial Light


A week or so ago, I posted an article about some of the features on the Profoto B1 that separate it from the competition. Among those features, was High-Speed Sync, allowing you to use off camera lighting at shutter speeds faster than 1/200th of a second. Today, I would like to tell you about how […]


Five Features On The Profoto B1 Not Seen On Other Strobes


I’ve said it hundreds of times now, I really love the Profoto B1. Years ago, I would use my Alien Bees strobes at a fraction of the price, and scoff at those who chose to go with the more expensive strobe solutions. I’d often laugh, and say light is light, and that if you need […]

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