Author Explaining the Different Types of Tripod Heads | Lensrentals Blog

I'm Zach and I'm the editor and a frequent writer here at I'm also a commercial beauty photographer in Los Angeles, CA, and offer educational workshops on photography and lighting all over North America.


Explaining the Different Types of Tripod Heads


A quality tripod can last your entire career as a photographer or videographer, so finding the right tripod system for you is immensely important. While the legs for a tripod are pretty self-explanatory, find one that matches the height you need, decide on carbon fiber or aluminum, and click buy. But when it comes to […]


A Brief History of Chromakeying


Chromakey has become a staple in all video productions, from big-budget Marvel films down to your local weather report – but the history of chromakeying and masking is a long and storied one, that dates back over 100 years, well before the digital tools that make it easy today. Being that it’s a technique implemented […]


Using Gels and RGB Lighting In Your Photography


Adding RGB or gelled lighting is an effective way to diversify your photography or video work, and can be incredibly easy to implement into your workflow. However, adding colored lighting into your workflow is easy by practice, it’s not always easy to get great results by adding these elements into your workflow. So today, we’re […]

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