Category Things to Know When Transitioning to Sony Mirrorless Camera Systems | Lensrentals Blog


Things to Know When Transitioning to Sony Mirrorless Camera Systems


There is no doubt that Sony has made some massive changes over the last few years in the photography industry. What was once a brand that many laughed at, has now become the leading sensor manufacturer and most exciting camera manufacturer in the digital era. So I wanted to take a moment and give you […]

Geek Articles

An Inside Look at the Rokinon 50mm AF FE Autofocus Lens


I have had a love-hate relationship with Samyang / Rokinon lenses for a long time now. (We carry the Rokinon brand, because the distributor, Elite Brands offers repair services in the U. S.) Rokinon lenses provide good optics at an incredible price. They aren’t ‘built like a tank’ and aren’t going to take a lot […]

Geek Articles

Taking Apart the New Nikon 105mm f/1.4E ED AF-S


We recently tested the Nikon 105mm f/1.4E ED AF-S lens and were mightily impressed. Optically it was better than I’d ever expected. We had idly talked about doing a teardown when stock allowed, but we got an unexpected opportunity yesterday: one of our week-old copies had some significant dust in both the front and rear lens […]


Canon 24-105 f/4 IS Mark II MTF Results


I like to start articles by stating my expectations, because, like everyone, my expectations going in color my opinion after seeing the results. Given Canon’s recent series of home-run lens upgrades, I expected the Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 IS II would be a superb lens. I was particularly expecting improvement at 105mm, which was the […]

Color Bit Depth Explained

Geek Articles

What is Color Depth and Why Is It Important for Video?


One of the most common questions I get from video customers is, “What do 10-bit 4:2:2 and 8-bit 4:2:0 actually mean?” The explanation can get pretty technical, so it’s easy to default to the opinion that higher numbers equal better footage. That’s true in a sense, but following that logic leads to another common question: […]

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