Category How Your Camera's Focus Bracketing System Works | Lensrentals Blog

Geek Articles

How Your Camera’s Focus Bracketing System Works


For many years, photographers have had focus-stacking programs like Helicon Focus and Zerene Stacker. You can now get the capability in some general-purpose image editors like Lightroom and Capture One Pro. Focus stacking software takes as input a series of images of the same subject with the focal plane in a different place in each […]

Geek Articles

Understanding Light Control – Photographing Black on Black and White on White


If you’ve dabbled in off-camera lighting or even natural lighting at times, you’ll quickly discover how difficult working with white can be. It’s no surprise that many people ask their subjects specifically not to wear white clothes, as it’s easy to blow out the highlights and ruin an otherwise good photoshoot. Shooting white, especially when […]

Geek Articles

How the Light Placement Alters Your Subjects


When teaching basic lighting principles, I break down how to light a subject into having three basic variables – Intensity of Light, Quality of Light, and Direction of Light. The intensity of light is pretty simple in its execution – how bright or dim your light is. Quality of light refers to whether it’s soft […]

Flash Head Differences

Geek Articles

How Your Flashtube Position and Shape Changes Your Light Quality


When I learned that would start carrying the Profoto Pro-11 and Profoto Pro Heads, I was really excited. Not necessarily because they’re the workhorse standard for large-scale commercial photography, or that Pro-Heads are commonly what I use in my own work, but because of an added variable that many people don’t realize – flash head […]

ISO Explained in Digital Photography

How To's

Photography Fundamentals – How ISO Changes Your Photos


In recent weeks, I’ve started posting some fundamental articles on how to use your camera if you’re starting out. In the past couple weeks, we’ve discussed both how aperture affects your images, and how shutter speed changes your images, so today, we’re going to cover the final piece to that equation, with ISO. But as […]

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