Topic Photography Fundamentals - How Aperture Changes Photos | Lensrentals Blog

Guide to Understanding Aperture


Photography Fundamentals – How Aperture Changes Photos


We cover a lot of things over here on the Lensrentals blog, and most of them teeter on the technically advanced edge of the scale. From measuring the flange distance on cameras down to the fraction of a millimeter to performing light tests to check the accuracy of color shift throughout power ranges, we’ve done […]

Nikon MTF Tests

Just MTF Charts

Just MTF Charts: Nikon Prime Lenses


We’ll continue our just MTF chart series of posts with the Nikon brand prime lenses. For those of you who have been asking, The Digital Picture is going to add all our MTF graphs to their comparison tool as we release them. That will let you do logical comparisons like ‘is the Sony 135mm f/1.8 […]

Geek Articles

MTF Results for Recent Sigma Art Lenses


And you may find yourself in a shotgun shack. And you may find yourself in another part of the world. And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile. And you may find yourself in a beautiful house. And you may ask yourself, well, what should I shoot with? A number of people […]

Geek Articles

Taking Apart the New Nikon 105mm f/1.4E ED AF-S


We recently tested the Nikon 105mm f/1.4E ED AF-S lens and were mightily impressed. Optically it was better than I’d ever expected. We had idly talked about doing a teardown when stock allowed, but we got an unexpected opportunity yesterday: one of our week-old copies had some significant dust in both the front and rear lens […]

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