Topic Why You Should Try Street Photography & 5 Things To Bear In Mind If You Do | Lensrentals Blog

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Why You Should Try Street Photography & 5 Things To Bear In Mind If You Do


If you’ve thought about trying street photography, this article is for you. While I’m a full-time fashion and portrait photographer/cinematographer, I’ve been an avid street photographer for the last eight years and feel it can benefit all of us in similar ways. Street photography is perhaps the last bastion of photographic genres where it doesn’t […]


Getting Started In Beauty Photography | Why, How, & What Gear


Beauty photography can seem a bit complicated on the surface, but it’s not nearly as difficult as people sometimes make it. With a hyper focus on skin and makeup, beauty photography provides a platform for a photographer to show their skills in lighting as well as in retouching. Afterall, lighting is most important when it’s […]


How & Why to Tether with Your Camera for Your Next Shoot


Here at, the articles we write are designed to help you as a photographer. Whether it’s Roger meticulously testing lenses to give you MTF charts, variance numbers and more, or me discussing the possibilities of off camera lighting and control – we’re here to help explain the products that can help take your work […]

Announcements at PhotoPlusExpo


Latest Camera and Lens Announcements from PhotoPlus Expo 2017 & More


Every year, PhotoPlus Expo comes to New York City to highlight some of the latest tech in the industry, while giving brands an opportunity to launch their newest flagship cameras and lenses for the years to come. While not all brands adhere to announcing over the same weekend (which is why this is a piece […]

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