Category How the Fuji X-Pro2 Resparked my Passion for Photography | Lensrentals Blog


How the Fuji X-Pro2 Resparked my Passion for Photography


Sometime before I started taking photos for a living as a commercial lifestyle photographer, I spent most of my time taking pictures of things for fun. During that period, I fell into a mind frame that if one lens was good, then a half-dozen or so lenses and a couple of bodies must be better. […]

Geek Articles

Real World Testing of the New Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L III


Last month Roger did his standard series of optical bench tests on the new Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L III. But that doesn’t show you what it looks like in real pictures. I decided to take the new lens and a large selection of comparable lenses from Canon, as well as offerings from Nikon, Sony, and Tokina, […]

KeyMission 360 Review

Equipment’s Review of the Nikon KeyMission 360 Camera


2016 has become the year of virtual reality and head-mounted displays. We’ve seen the release of three major VR platforms and countless other phone-based reality virtualizing peripherals, but until recently, tools to produce content for this new form of entertainment have been only within reach of professionals. Photography behemoth Nikon is the latest to lower […]

Geek Articles

Nikon 105mm f/1.4 E MTF Bench Tests


Joey recently wrote an article about his new crush, the Nikon 105mm f/1.4 E lens, and has been in the lab about every other day since then, asking me if I’ve run the MTFs yet. “You’re going to be blown away,” he says. And every other day I tell him, “I don’t get blown away […]


Nikon 105mm f/1.4E: An Ode to Nikon’s Best Lens


When I first heard about the new Nikon 105mm f/1.4E, I was pretty excited but cautious. I knew it was going to be big, heavy, and expensive, but worth it? What would I use it for? Nikon has always had an edge when it comes to camera bodies, but their lenses generally fall behind other […]

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