
Comparing the Leica M11 & Leica M11 Monochrom


Leica – a brand synonymous with German craftsmanship and quality, is also a brand associated with a high price, and if you’re in the right (or possibly wrong) circles, a lot of cynicism. While they’re a brand known for creating lenses with some of the highest quality optics available, they’ve also been known as a […]


Technical Review of the Hasselblad XCD 55V Lens


The Hasselblad XCD 55V is a 55mm f/2.5 lens for the X1D and X2D (X-mount) cameras. It is one of the V-series X-mount lenses. The line currently consists of 25mm, 38mm, 55mm, and 90mm lenses. All have f/2.5 as their widest aperture. All have high-speed leaf shutters, which are great for outdoor flash synchronization but […]

Canon 24-70mm Comparisons

Lenses and Optics

Comparing Canon’s Best Mid-Range Zoom Lenses


With their introduction into mirrorless six years ago, Canon has had one of the most aggressive lens development periods in photographic history – averaging over six lenses each year to help fill out their RF series lens lineup. While there are still some holes in their lineup (most notably only recently getting an RF 35mm […]


Your Breakdown of Lens Filters


We’ve talked about filters on the blog a few different times before – from Roger’s deep testing of the clarity levels of UV filters to my discussion on how to use ND filters to help balance natural and artificial lighting on location. But despite these years of articles about various filters, I noticed that we’ve […]

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First Impressions With the Hasselblad CFV 100C


Hasselblad has certainly put its name in the ranks of legacy cameras – with over 180 years in the field of photography. From their work in manufacturing surveillance cameras during World War II, to their time on board the Apollo 8 – Hasselblad has found themselves at many of the significant moments in history over […]

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