Author Finding the Best Wireless Flash Triggers | Lensrentals Blog

I'm Zach and I'm the editor and a frequent writer here at I'm also a commercial beauty photographer in Los Angeles, CA, and offer educational workshops on photography and lighting all over North America.
By Zach Sutton
There is no shortage of wireless trigger options for photography these days. Where once there were just a couple of brands, an industry has exploded into an overwhelming market of various triggers with several ‘special’ features depending on the brand. So how do you navigate through the noise to find the best and most practical […]
By Zach Sutton
Many sports started as a somewhat primitive idea – most involve a ball of some sort, catching and throwing, and added elements to make the game competitive and unique. However, in the last few decades, technology has made its way into professional sports in a big way. From coaches making plays on tablets instead of […]
Photographic Techniques
By Zach Sutton
Lighting within photography holds a reality – It’s easy to understand, but really takes years to master. As such, you end up seeing a progression with photographers who start using studio strobes that looks very similar to the Dunning Kruger effect chart – where they figure out basic principles, think they’re a lighting expert, and […]
By Zach Sutton
A common question when bringing off-camera flash to your repertoire is whether you should invest in studio strobes, or if you should be using consistent lighting for your photography work. If this were ten years ago, I’d say to invest in strobes, and this advice would look more like a tweet than an actual article. […]
By Zach Sutton
At the start of this year, we announced our first-ever Short Film Pitch Contest. We encouraged videographers everywhere to send us their pitch deck for a movie they wanted to create, and we’d give one lucky winner a $5,000 prize package to make their film aspirations a reality. We had several incredibly well-thought-out pitches sent […]